Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Pursuit

I watched Will Smith's blockbuster hit the other day and I actually loved what he said about the Pursuit of Happiness. It is the pursuit that is the most important part. Once you achieve happiness it's almost like...then what? The pursuit is what makes the state of the happiness worth while. Knowing all of the things you went through to achieve what you have is what makes it even better. The fact that you've earned it and it was not given to you creates a larger sense of pride and makes whatever you have earned even better, being that you know you have worked for it. This is probably so significant to me now because I have just earned my bachelors degree and I know how hard it was to get here. Without the late night papers (sometimes all night; no sleep), the impossible professors, and the struggle to get out of some classes, I would not look at my degree the same. It means so much more becuase of what I had to do to get there. The pursuit of the degree is what makes it what it is. Not the actual piece of paper I will receive in the mail in a couple of weeks, but the last four years of my life that have been dedicated to earning that piece of paper. It's all in the journey.

Top 5 Irritations of the week...LOL

1. People talking too much
2. Women underestimating themselves
3. Uncertainty of where I stand professionally
4. Awkward silences
5. Girls who stare for no apparent reason

One Day...

I love this poem, it is so sincere. By an anonymous author, as the great ones usually are.

If one day....

If one day you feel like me.
I don't promise that I will make you laugh...but I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away...don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop...but I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to me.
I promise to be there for you...and I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call...and there's no answer...
Come fast to see me, maybe I need you.

If he cheats with you......

.....he will cheat on you.

I cannot say that enough. There are so many women out there who do not seem to know their worth, and it really disturbs me. Allowing less than treatment should always be out of the question. If a man or woman seems like they are not giving you their all chances are, they probably aren't. Some of the these women kill me allowing themselves to be the side piece* and thinking that one day the man will eventually come around and make you his main chick. Please wake up and smell the coffee, it is not going to happen. Why do you think that his behavior is exclusive when it comes to you? Why do you think that he is incapable of doing what he was doing to his then girlfriend to you? It's really mind boggling to me. I know that the reason most of the time for allowing this treatment is "I'm in love" but honestly sweetie, that is far from love. That is addiction. Addiction is defined as: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. Perfect definition to describe the "love" so many claim to be in. In staying in the so-called relationship, you are blocking the real love that may be waiting for you. There is no greater tragedy than a love lost, or the opportunity for love missed because of something as silly as this. Know your worth.

The same applies to the "main chick" who knows she is not being treated as she should. If you are aware of the fact that your mate is not being faithful, and that is not something that you two have agreed on (open-relationship), then sticking around is not going to change anything. I am not speaking for minor indiscretions (which are still unacceptable) but if you are completely aware of the fact that you are being cheated on and you fail to address the problem, but rather sit back and just accept it, that is not ok. If you know that your partner is cheating on you, you are no longer in a relationship, you are in a situaation; and a bad one at that. Ladies, I see it way too much these days, DO NOT allow yourself to be the side chick and DO NOT allow yourself to be mistreated as the main chick. You are worth so much more!

side-piece: mistress; girl on the side

Friday, May 30, 2008

There is nothing more refreshing than....

I find great joy in a black canvas, and not necessarily a canvas per say; but anything I can write on. A piece of paper, a board, a "new" text message....anything that allows me to create. I am not sure what I will place on this particular blog, but I'm positive it will be something that serves as an outlet and a place of expression for me. Which is one of the reasons I chose the name "My Bleeding Pen," because I am constantly writing and m pen never stops bleeding onto the page. I thought it was different and attention-grabbing, although attention is not necessarily what I am seeking. In the tagline of the blog, I allude to the fact that writing is therapeutic for me, and doing so really does make me feel better.

I can have so much on my mind, but if I sit down with one of my many notebooks, and now this blog, everything around me stands still while I am in my world of therapy session. This will just be a place for me to write whatever I please, it will have no consistency, no particular subject, or will just simply, BE. Feel free to read it, as it is public; but be aware of the fact that it may not always make sense, and it will be random, but it's me. So as my favorite saying goes: Love me, or leave me alone.

Until next time.....